Selasa, 29 April 2014

stranger on stranger

lately I've been having a few experiences dealing with strangers.
it started from the mysterious drawer of the sketch (that i ever posted) someone suddenly sent it and i don't even know who is the drawer (but I'm thankful, tho). and then about 5 days ago i ate on Galeria and out of the blue a stranger paid that for me, then the next 2 days after that i ate again on Kridosono and i don't know if it was the same person or not (but probably not, just some coincidence) and the food also paid my the mysterious man. Not enough until that, today after i ate on Kantin which we called that Bonbin, a guy followed me until i was about entered my class and he asked my name, he politely asked for my contact but he seemed shaky. i appreciated his courage anyway.
I really don't know whats behind this LOL. It all happened on a sequence so it feels weird and good both on the same time realizing that there's still someone that aware with me hahaha. anyway really, if one of you guys read this, thank you, for being nice and kind to a total stranger like me. 

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