Selasa, 15 April 2014

thousand steps to Merbabu.

Hi! as i mentioned before on my Instagram, i will post the story soon on this blog about my journey to merbabu. so here it is! xD
so it was a bit dilemmatic before wether i join my mates to go or not. a night before i went, i really can't sleep. i was superbly not really good both body and heart HAHAHAHHAHAAA, i can't sleep, i seriously can't sleep, i ever thrown up about 7 times on night and 2 times on the morning (i know, i know, it sounds so overwhelmed but i promise it was true), so on 3.30 on the morning i decided to move to Sasha's room (next to mine), thank God she never locked her room. so i took my body next to her and amazingly fell asleep in a minute. she was so surprised as i woke up and i ran to the bathroom and do the throw up thing again, she told me that it is Impossible for me to go. i definitely need some rest.

But then, i don't know why i feel like i should go. i really don't know when i could do this on the near future. i remember my "things i need to do before I'm twenty" (which is definitely still on this blog) said that i need to go to Mahameru. so at least this is my warming up before that huge "maha"meru :p so yesh i decided to go.
As soon as i arrived the guys shouted me about what they heard that i am sick (one of my friend is Sasha's boy so Sasha is delivered the news immediately i think hahhaa) and some of them asked me if it is really okay for me to climb up? i was said yes in doubt.
So after everybody's ready we weeentttt away! we used a truck for our ride how cool was that! hihi, it took about 3 hours for us to go to the base camp, we took jalur new selo for our mount climbing. but in the middle of journey the truck is suddenly stopped and can't even move. it took an hour for us to wait for it until it could be normal again. but when it was, it happened again. so i don't know how's the detail but suddenly the replacement of the truck is came. but this time we need to stood up for 1 hours because the truck is smaller. but still, it was cool for me. hahaha

Let us take a truck selfie~
we were arrived at base camp on around 12 o'clock and not long after that we begin our step, our thousand steps to merbabu. yuhu! i was chosen to be the first group, first group means i need to be faster than the other cause i need to "booked" the camp place for 4 tents. i've talked to my friend that i am not that strong, i think its their mistake to choose me on the first group. hahaha. but anyway we're off and go!

another selfie before we go! hahaha

and well thats my group. 3 (very) gentle and kind hearted man yet so strong! so fast. a good team i could said. 

so yeah it begin just like that~ on the first 15 minutes i was full of complain. i was so freakily TIRED. EXHAUSTED to be exact. i still can't control my breathe. Rofiq keep telling me to make some conversation topic and i was like "WTH? what do you expect for me who can't even control my breathe? :( :(" my mind keeps telling me to give up like seriously, that was still 15 minutes. how on earth i could survive for 6 until 7 hours?!! i don't wanna die :(

The first 10 or 20 minutes. so exhausted yet i tried to smile to look cool. LOL
but then i said, i have a very good team. the dudes are all so gentle. they keep telling me that i could do this. so yesh, i put a trust on them and my self and keep.... keep walking. When i reached the first post i was so happy! It seems like i've reached the top already. but from that post, my breathe seems easier and better. i've adapting so much. and the journey to the second post who they said the hardest went well.. i could finally laugh and share a stories with them. the time was so good and lovely. i didnt really close to them on campus but found out we can click each other were just nice! :')
Okay so the 2nd post was the hardest, AGAIN i should said. i can't explain how hard it is unfortunately since you need to feel it by your self hahahaa.

us who is finally on Sabana 0 (after 2nd post) the first post who looked so great on eyes. i was so amazed and happy. it took about 3 hours.
 Sabana 0 was extremely cold!! Rofiq promised to us that we could take a break for 20 minutes here. I ate the snacks a lot hahaha, hungry! but because of the un-normal cold i really can't stand it, i tought that if we continue walking we could reduce the coldness. so after 15 minutes we walk again.. 2 more post and we could camp for a nite before muncak.
On the way to Sabana 1 and 2 the scenery was totally crazy. EXCESSIVELY beautiful. Me and Yason can't stop taking a video and photo while Azzam and Wulan were just cooly walking~ haha. it was Insane, i lost my words.

So after another 3 hours, after a lot of pain and sweat and every complained that came from my mouth (I'm sorry guys, you are the best hahaha), we are finally arrived on our camp site. its Sabana 2 and there were already 4 tent there. It was around 7 o'clock and it was soo.. cold. colder than my Winter on Korea last month. my bone feels sick. it was just too cold. the guys then make the tent as i just can stare at them and do nothing but shouting that "ITS SO COOLD!", and yes after that all of us come in to the tent and we felt better. We boiled a water and it feels like heaven when we drank it, it helped so much. After 1,5 hours another group are started to came. it was nice for them that they could just drink the boiled water from us while we were almost die because when we arrived we need to directly build a tent with a soaked clothes (yes it was raining half of the journey). After every tent was built i can't say or do a thing anymore i was extremely tired all i can do is go in the sleeping bag and sleep peacefully with my team.

At 3 o'clock Azzam's alarm rang and i woke up. It seems like we need to muncak at 3.15 or something so i started to prepare. I don't really have a good sleep since my socks were soaked. and yesh so cold :( SOOO cold i can't even describe it. At 4 o'clock after everyone's ready we came out from the tent and geez.... the wind.... was seriously, like killed us. It was so hard climbing the mountain when the day were still dark, and the wind was crazy. It took about almost 2 hours.... and.. finally....... :') i was on the Top of Merbabu!!!! :__)

There were like 4 boys who've been there as i arrived, and the sentence like "congratulation for your first mountain" keep making me touched :') i was so happy!!!! i feel like wanted to hug them all!! I was so proud of my self, i keep talking that "geez Nas you were cool!" at least i can beat up my fear, my doubt, and go out from my comfort zone, took the chance and yes i nailed it.

a natural lens flare that i got. amazing
so after everyone's up and said "congratulation" towards each other, we had some fun of course. we sang Indonesia Raya and take out our soft drink it was Mincak (minuman puncak) they said. so yeshhh the soft drink cheers and the laugh, and anything really make my very first mountain perfect. Perfect!

another crazeh boys who took off their clothes in those crazy weather. i even use 3 layers inside of the jumper, seriously.
 After i almost matek karena kedinginan parah di puncak, we decided to walk down and say good bye to the top of merbabu. and on the way down, the scenery were...... once again, made me speechless.

it took much longer for us to walk down from puncak since we spent a lot of time taking a photos almost every step LOL. but then again whats the fun in hiking if we are not seizing every steps on it? and taking a pictures for me is necessary! hahahaha.

anyway thats probably some of the main point for my journey to merbabu. of course i can't describe it in detail but one thing for sure is this' probably one of the memorable journey i've had. well at first i was on the rock bottom (the night before), i've been cried a lot and almost don't know what to do. but the most important thing that day is i dare to make a decision to go out from that point, wake up in an instant and join this for having my self a refreshment time. at some time you need to indeed give your self permission to cry and fall down, and you feel sick as hell until you can't describe it, but then again.. you need to give your self permission to forget about that, you need to remember that there are a bunch of friends out there who gonna call your name just to ask you to lunch together, shopping spree, going to cinema, and else.

another thing i got from this journey is exactly this.. sometimes you need to do a thing that at first you think you are definitely  can not do. when you got that, do it. just freakingly do it. and see how's your self going... and you can congratulate your self - and be proud.

at very last i just want my self to always remember.. there's always a journey, one primitive journey that you need to take it alone; a journey when you feel not as functional as you used to, when you lose a people you love, or anything when you feel like crap. but there's always.. always a journey out there that waits you to do it together, with friends, with the people you love.

just be balance. head up, have fun!

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