Senin, 07 Juli 2014

some points i got recently during election days

1. people need to realize that we need to open up and board our mind wider that we have such right to choose. i see people in my country did not used to have a different arguments, we used to be conform one towards each other and so see this' what happened nowadays.. It really seems to me that election season is just a Petri dish of anger and cynicism. I thank God I'm not a person who is comfort having a conformity even with my friends. we need to realize that its okay to have a different mind set, different way of thinking and so on.

2. There's a moment to talk and a moment to remain silent. this whole weeks i realized that in some situation we need to just listen and there IS some sentence that better left unsaid. Not every words we think - need to be spoken for the sake of maintaining relationship. I my self agree that we don't need to bring an election topic in to family time. For some reason i choose to act neutral in front of the closest person because well i don't know who they gonna choose (cause i choose not to ask that, i appreciate em for their privacy due to sensitive topic nowadays haha), so i never understand such people who talk cynically and offensive about one candidate while in the other side they sure don't know who-choose-who, that leads me to one thing.. there are still few people that don't care about each other perspective and thats the worst.. and so.. thats a truuuuly good reminder for my own self to do not act so. try to listen, understand, FILTER, and accept different perspective, i think thats the other way to develop one self.

3. I became nearly agree that people don't need to have a thing called self esteem (in indonesian is harga diri) IF it just makes you have an "urge" to do something bad. why is every time people said Harga diri always sounds a bit.. awful. as if that they need to do some revenge, or they need to do something beast to protect they self? if so, do we really need harga diri or its just a reason to do something bad that could become acceptable?

4. I think what i tought in elementary school about the concept of right and obligation is a bit absurd. Right? Hak? what is it actually. what i remember up until now, Hak is something that we should get - sesuatu yang harus kita dapatkan. Its a bit strange that we need to seek what we should get. if all people always think about right, what would our world would be? hahahaha.. BUT well, if all people always think about obligation, about responsibility? don't you think world would be a place that have so much peace inside? :)

5. Accepting one's opinion is going to make us up to another level of awesomeness, i guess. LOL. I believe acceptance have a few of good constructs that could show us for how "mature" one self is. Accept other opinion - there's a tolerance, wise, open minded, realizing that our own self still lack, patience, ability to listen, appreciate the differences. woww.. well baked! :p

I'm sorry for a random mind tonite. off to schleep. if tomorrow i realize this' just too random, going to delete it hahaha
anyway whatever is it suppose that this' 8th of July already.. one more day, huh? One more day til we could decide our own leader for the next 5 years. but whoever won, i hope he's ready.. y' know right i think winning the election is a good-news, bad news kind of thing. Okay, now you're the mayor. the bad news is, now you're the mayor. hahahaha

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