Kamis, 18 September 2014

20 Facts about me That's currently IN! hahaha

I've been tagged by 6 of my friends on Instagram, challenged me to explain 20 facts about me. This' actually supposed to publish on Instagram but don't know why i feel a lot more comfortable to write on blog. So i do this, not because the trend tho. I just want to recall 20 lil things i know about my own self and reminiscing it. Feels good :)

yeay! lets start!

1. My name is as you see on my Blog, but without Rusli. I sumtimes feel my name's way too short. Rusli is my father.

2. People and sum several close friend that ever been on my house called me Memen. thats my nick name on Home made by my lil sister haha.

3. A very purple person though my Mom start nagging a few years ago "you are growing up, use another classy color", but instead sometimes she also bought something purply for me hahaha

4. I used to be a painter til JHS. I even gained almost two hundreds trophies from that. The last time i painted was on July 2014 after 3 years never even touch a brush. It was for Abin's birthday, so i painted  two of us holding a hand with a Big Ben background on it <:D

4. I love decorating a room. I think this' because i am growing up seeing how mom loves to decorate our house, i even often have a conversation with mom about the concept of my future house.

5. Thus my best stress reliever is by going to Ace Hardware or Informa, just too see some things there even without buy anything. that cud make me smile imagining that i will buy this and that someday when i became a rich woman and have a big big house :p

6. I almost always use a blazer as an outer. I don't like wearing shirt, way too simple. My personal style is blazer, blouse, black jeans, and clogs. Oh and don't forget to adding up a Necklace and watch.

7. A friends that know me so well are going to say "Thats so... Inas' Style" every time they see a blazer with studded, or spike. hahaha.

8. I am so not in to flat shoes. 7 cm wedgie or heels are more comfortable, for me.

8. I never fall in love on a first sight, instead, on a first conversation.

9. Who's agree with me that Smart man is the sexiest? hahaha. i just can't resist a man with brain and how they talk with a bright eye explaining something that i can't understand. just..... "marry me!!!". hahaha

10. Not everyone know this but well.. i once wished to have a Malaysian husband. I want my children grow up with a fluent english hahaha. Why Malaysia? cause the culture is quite similar with us, don't really need to adjust a lot of things. LOL

11. I never have a "same city" relationship. Oh wait, not even a same class or same University. As i realized now i think Long distance relationship is something i am good at haha.

 12. Still relate with the last point, yes, i don't like being dependent with other people. I ate alone a lot of times and thats not a big deal.

13. I almost become mahasiswi at University of Indonesia before i finally choose Gadjah Mada and still think thats the best decision i've made. *kissh UGM*

14. My current dream is to graduated cumlaude and continue the master degree on UK, but The first pure dream of mine is became a news anchor and designer. Found that out after saw the "cita-cita" column on my 2nd grade elementary school block note. I once a host on Banten TV for two programs from JHS - SHS and it ended when i need to go to Jogja. and for another dream, i still have a feeling that i cud become a designer after i graduate :p  I never thought i cud become a psychologist before, hahaha.

15. If you ask  what place i wanted to visit the most with my spouse someday.. i think I'm going to say Athens and Instanbul with the famous Cappadocia. But when its with my travel mate (mom), its going to be Italy with its Venice.

16. Totally not a Procrastinator type, don't know why. Not really a smart diligent type of girl but i just can't delay doing something that i can do that sec. and yes, i feel lucky and relieved about that a lot of times hahaha

17.   I love watching Korean Dramas, used to mocked at mom about that, but this past two years i think i've been addicted to it, too.. haahahaha :") at first i watch it while eating on my room, cause thats vexed me to eat on silent, but then it continue right after eating LOL my record is watching 20 eps on 2 days 1 night

18. Such an impulsive Shoes buyer until yesterday my boy friend complained at me a lot about that. Deal to reduce that bad habit.

19. The most memorable, precious time of mine on this whole 3 years college time is probably.. my 2 months KKN on Piling, Bali. Last night i video called Mom on Bali and she cried :( 

20.  Currently on the last stage of my college life; Thesis. I choose an Industrial and Organizational Psychology with a Qualitative methods for the research. No matter how much people say that Qualitative is going to spend more time than any other methods, i still think thats going to be fun :)) wish me luck <3

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